L10 Android" Rugged Tablets
The ultimate XPAD, XBOOK 2-in-1 and XSLATE 10.1 inch ’go-anywhere' tablets
Put the power of mobile data in the hands of workers in your most demanding environments with Zebra's L10 AndroioRugged Tablet family. Choose from three models that meet the needs of workers out in the field in oil and gas, mining, telecommunications, construction and the military - as well as in warehouses and manufacturing plants. Customize your L10tablets with enterprise accessories that simplify everyday use. The rugged go-anywhere design is at home indoors, outside,in freezers. sub-zero cold and blazing heat, in forklifts and trucks, and even in bricht sunshine. An advanced platform deliversblazing fast performance on all your apps, a battery that provides full shift or around-the-clock power with a single charge, plusthe fastest wireless connections - WiFi, Bluetooth, cellular, GPS and NFC. Manage Android updates with pushbutton simplicityAnd with Mobilitv DNA. vou cet valuable onlv-from-Zebra applications that take device performance. ease-of-use. manaceabilitand security to the next level.
Warehousing and cold storage
Manufacturing -Shop floor
Oil and Gas
Field service
Service bay
Public Safety