Numatic Specialised WVD900DH Wet & Dry Industrial Utility Vacuum Cleaner
Twin motors ensure that this machine has bags of power, ensuring every last drop of water is collected from the surface being worked on. This machine is very popular with roofing contractors and builders alike as it is highly mobile due to its huge wheels and trolley design.
StructoFoam construction makes this machine light weight for its size, and also incredibly strong and resilient to abrasion and impact. A comprehensive BS8 accessory kit completes the package offering 38mm diameter pipes and sturdy floor tool.
Key Features:
- 35L wet Capacity - 40l dry as can be used in wet & dry mode
- Tipper Mechanism - To help provide stablity when emptying via drum instead of Dump Hose.
- Dump Hose Empty - No tipping required.
- Twin Motors - Plenty of suction to dry off surfaces and collect large spills,
- StructoFoam Body - Very hard wearing and able to take some rough and tumble.
Alternative Machines:
- Want an automatically emptying version ? - Try the .
- Want an Bigger Capacity 70L -
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