Mobile Cart - by Seedevil
The SeeDevil mobile cart is an innovative product that can be used to create a variety of different effects, such as balloon lights, light shows, or even stage lighting. This is perfect for small generators that need to be moved around and work on different sites.
The sturdy design makes it easy to transport and allows users to avoid damaging the generator when moving it around. The wheels are also made of durable material that can withstand any terrain, making it easy for users to move from site to site.
This mobile cart is ideal for illuminating dark areas, such as when you're working under the hood of your car or in a dark basement. The light can also be used to illuminate objects at night so that you can see what you're doing and avoid accidents.
(This cart does not include the Pro Series LED Balloon Light or Generator)
Product Features:
• Heavy-duty steel engineering designed for rough and heavy use
• Upgraded wheels allowing for smoother travel on rough terrain
• Equipped with a chain-driven extendable mast reaching 8.5 Ft. total height
• Included wheel brakes and lightweight outriggers for increased stability in weather conditions
• Mechanically assisted handles increase movement control and ease turning ability
• Easy to use, quick to deploy, and compact for storage