A first in customizable PC peripherals, the Saitek Photo Mousefunctions as a compact, mobile picture frame.Print out your favorite photograph, cut it to the right size using thetemplate provided, position it under the Photo mouses transparentcover and secureit by closing the cover. When you plug in the Photo Mouse, your photoislit by the integral white spotlight. Tired of that picture? You caneasily change the pictureanytime so you'll always have a new and personalized mouse whenever youwant it! It's the ideal gift for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles,and more.
- Customize your mouse with your very own favorite photo
- Simply place your photo in the front of the mouse to viewyourfavorite photo
- Included template helps make sure each picture is cute downto the perfect size
- Quick and easy photo insertion lets you change your pictureat any time
- Illuminated 3-button scroll wheel features a whitespotlight tolight up your picture
- Highly comfortable and durable design so the mouse is bothfun and comfortable to use
- Simple plug and play design means there's no drivers orsoftware to install
- Photo Mouse with USB Connector
- Cutting Template
- Quick Start Guide
- Color: Silver
- Connectivity: USB
- Compatibility: PC and Mac
- Windows Visa, XP, 2000
- Mac OS X
- Available USB port
Item Condition: New