*RRP $475.00 On sale $450.00 until Nov 30 2025
Ultrasound Pet Toothbrush made in Germany - The best Pet Toothbrush in the world.
60,000 Oscillations of gentle Ultrasound to kill bacteria and break down tartar. Cleans under the gumline.
Mira-Pet Ultrasound keeps your dog’s teeth in great shape minimizing the need of visiting the vet for dental procedures such as removing tartar under the use of anaesthesia every year.
Prevent Dental Disease by reducing inflammation and plaque/tartar build up
It's excellent to prevent further Tartar build up too!
No more Vet Dental Cleaning each year ✔✔*
Gently destroys Tartar and plaque Kills Bacteria
Cleans under the gum lines and between teeth
Initially - Use 2 times weekly for 15 minutes to remove tartar and bacteria build up each session.
Hold Brush head against each tooth for 30 seconds - 1 minute and move around the mouth, top & bottom - repeat slowly.
Once Tartar is removed: Maintain on a weekly basis using for at least 10 minutes .
Mira Pet is a gradual Tartar Removal Tool, it will not happen in 1 or 2 sessions.
Requires 4 - 5 sessions depending on Tartar build up, once Tartar is clear, maintain weekly or fortnightly for 10 minutes covering all Teeth surfaces.
Heavy Tartar build up can take 6 -10 sessions to remove, consistency is the key.
Gentle ultrasound, no noise or vibration.
Mirapet has 2 modes - Vibration or Silent - Use the on /off switch to swap between modes
Very easy to use and your Pet's will love the toothpaste within this Pack. (Apple/Mint)
Mirapet Starter Kit Contains:
🔹️Ultrasonic Toothbrush
🔹️Ultrasound Dog Toothpaste x 1
🔹️ Ultrasound Human Toothpaste x1
🔹️3 sided brush head x 1
🔹️Single brush head x 2
🔹️1 USB charger & User Guide
Free Dental Spray 50ml
Everything you need for 1 year
** This product has a 2 year warranty for Pet Owners & 1 year for Pet Professionals - Dog Groomers & Professional Services
Extra Brushes & Toothpaste can be ordered separately
Full training and support in Australia, New Zealand & Asia
Free promotion and Advertising on Mira Pet Australia 🇦🇺🦷 for Pet Salon / Groomers & any Pet Industry
Simply Create an Account here on Shopify, email us to notify you request Wholesale and we'll set up your account & your ready to order in a few minutes.
Full Dental Product range available Wholesale
Learn more about Mira Pet via our website
*Disclaimer - Mira Pet Ultrasound does not replace Veterinary Pet Dental Cleaning forever and you should maintain a Professional Dental Check every 2 years and to check Overall Oral Health.
Mirapet Ultrasound works best on mild to medium Tartar build up.
*Severe Tartar build up is recommended to be treated by a Veterinarian with a full dental clean, then Ultrasound can maintain.
Using Mira Pet Ultrasound will enable you to keep your Pet's teeth clean and avoid yearly Veterinarian cleanings = saves you a lot of money.
Mira Pet is an investment in your pet's overall health and can add years to their life
Proudly brought to by Australian Animal Oral Care 🦷 🇦🇺
Recommended by Dr Cesar Vargas - former DVM Colombia
100's of Pet Owners use Mirapet Ultrasound to decrease the amount of times a professional Dental clean is required.