BD-6 can even be used as a pre-spray for extremely difficult cleaning jobs, and can clean engines, vinyl, whitewall tires, stainless steel, aluminum, painted surfaces, floors, walls, and countertops. This product can help remove carbon stain, grease, and oil when sprayed on the surface of a vehicle prior to pressure washing. It can also be used to easily remove bugs, as well as black streaks off gutters. To top it off, the corrosive inhibitors and water softeners in this product help prevent rusting of ferrous metals and scale build-up in heating coils. Name the job, BD-6 can get it done!
BD-6 is a concentrate, so it should be diluted prior to use in most applications. However, depending on the severity of the soil, it can also be used at full strength as a pre-spray. When being used through pressure washing equipment, drop the detergent feed line into the concentrated cleaner, set the metering valve to the desired setting, and soak entire surface from the bottom up. Then detail clean from the bottom up; rinse with fresh water from the top down. Do not use on painted surfaces at concentrations of less than 1:15. Do not allow to dry on surfaces; always rinse thoroughly!
Let the BD-6 cleaner/degreaser help you get the job done better, whatever it is. As always, this product is guaranteed to help you clean like a CleanFreak! What this cleaner and 3 other commonly used pressure washer chemicals in one package? Check out the which also includes SoSimple cleaner and degreaser, a truck wash butyl degreaser, and a Wash & Wax car wash detergent.
Please Note: These chemicals are not available for purchase in CA. For inquires on purchase, please contact .
- Pressure washing mobile homes, RV’s, trucks, trailers, buildings
- Dissolving grease, oil, mold, mildew, soap scum
- Cleaning engines, vinyl, whitewall tires, stainless steel, aluminum, painted surfaces, floors, walls, countertops
- Removing carbon stain, grease, oil from vehicle surfaces
- Preventing rust of ferrous metals and scale build-up in heating coils