- Brand: Katmandu Trading Company
- Country Of Origin: Indonesia
- Availability: Limited
- Material: Amazonite
- Special Features: Healing powers
- Dimensions: Height - 2" Width - 0.75" Depth - 0.25"
Amazonite crystal, also known as Amazonstone, comes in shades of green, blue-green, and often turquoise. It’s a Microline that comes with a triclinic crystal structure. It was first found in Russia and the IImensky mountain in the form of gigantic rocks. Dated back to the 10th century B.C. It’s considered to be a tectosilicate mineral that is found in its finest form in Peru and Russia. However, nowadays, it occurs in China, Libya, Mongolia, South Africa, and the United States.
Its name is derived from the Amazon river mainly because of the occurrence of green stones near the amazon river. Amazonite has been used for its healing, soothing, and manifestation power for centuries. In the period, while people were transitioning from the stone age to the bronze age, i.e. by 5000 BC, amazonite was used for certain jewels and carvings.
Amazonite Pendant – Medicinal Properties
Often Amazonite is referred to as “the stone of hope,” because of its potent healing properties. It calms any emotional turbulence and helps you re-establish the balance within you. It’s believed that it absorbs all types of electromagnetic pollution and hence the radiation from mobile phones and other electronic devices, which tends to calm our nervous system. Hence, amazonite is most known for its calming, soothing, and healing properties.
Amazonite crystal also brings mental clarity and helps you see two sides of any situation. As it’s connected with the heart chakra, it helps you get aligned with your intuition and promotes peace and harmony. As it balances mental and emotional health, it’s used to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It eliminates stress, negative emotions, and creative blockages.
It also heals issues surrounding thyroid glands. As it promotes calcium absorption, it deals with issues surrounding tooth decay, calcium deficiency, and muscle spasms.
- Chakra Classification: Anahata(heart) chakra and Vishuddha(throat) chakra.
- Zodiac signs: Virgo
Location: Russia's Ilmen Mountains, India, Australia, Namibia, Tanzania, USA (Colorado), and Brazil.